File Plan 101:
The History & The Future
1 Hour
What you are going to learn
Evolving File Plans
- The history, theory and types of file plans,
- How file plans have changed over time,
- Some of the necessary practical and pragmatic changes required for compliant digital record keeping, and
- How the ever-changing landscape of cloud software, artificial intelligence and modern collaboration impacts file plan
- The evolution of records management, including the move from record “centers” to in-place records management,
- How file plans have adapted with technology
- The pros and cons of larger file plans and how to find the right balance,
- How records declaration works with modern file plans, and
- Design and architecture recommendations for file plans.
Meet The Course Instructors
Jas Shukla
Director of Strategy, Gravity Union
About me
Jas works with Collabware Gold Partner, Gravity Union, bringing 15 years of enterprise technology consulting and working on product teams, including Microsoft.
She is also a Collabspace Certified Specialist with 10+ years designing collaboration and records management solutions.
She is also a Collabspace Certified Specialist with 10+ years designing collaboration and records management solutions.
Jayson Kennedy
Information Governance Analyst, Collabware
About me
Jayson has a Master of Archival Studies and is Collabware’s primary records management specialist as well as one of our senior product designers for Collabspace.
With over
10 years at Collabware, he has
assisted many different organizations in implementing their records and
information management programs.